

The Conception of Fear

Fear is a response to stressful situations with all walks of life adopting two policies “fight or flight” with an event such as this, fight would not be a probability and would more than likely result in the laughter response, which in effect is the brains automatic response due to the suppression of anger knowing at the end relief is the outcome.

In my experience, logic prevails but coupled with mixed emotions such as anxiety and apprehension in my case led to laughter, unwittingly I was not aware until the end that this was my coping mechanism and my jaw ached, although the exploration of my experience was open minded I found the unknown was a major factor.

Overall days later I looked back upon the experience with a sense that it was a nice experience.

However, I did witness groups before me and after me experience the “flight” response which again is a response to stress, screaming and running to a point was observed which was more than likely to increase the distance between them and the disturbance.

This was observed in both genders which I found silly until I analysed reactions to fear

Some people react differently in a group but what was apparent was that one person’s inability to cope and go into the “flight” response affected the whole group.

Considering this are you a flight or fight person?

Your experience will go beyond normal comprehension and all is not what it seems, keeping control of this is a skill or will you rely on your instincts which fall into “fight or flight” either way you’re on your own……

Paul Knaggs 2020

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