Our Team

Our Team for your protection

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Team S.W.A.T. Elite Troops:

Heavily armed with the latest spook eradicating technology although armed and heavily motivated they will suffer from the negative effects of the residing evils within the copse. Each soldier will take you to a designated point with your transition into the affected area, each soldier will have an exposure meter, which when full will have to return to a safe area to medicate and lower his/her exposure to evil, at this point you must navigate to the next rally point alone.

The best way to transition to the next rally point is to take your time and remain within the designated path, DO NOT RUN, our team will be waiting for you to get through this experience. In the event of one of our elite troops shouting “HALT” this means stop and wait, this may mean he/she has spotted a negative apparition! Once you hear “PROCEED” move on and again at some point the soldier will leave you, once at the end hopefully you make it out…...intact.

Our crack elite troops weaponry are real world firearms and will only be used if necessary.

Do not touch any of our soldiers for fear of infection, They are highly trained professionals and they have countermeasures against the evil forces such as:

·        UV Ammunition

·        Smoke Grenades

·        UV Lighting

.        6000 Lumen lighting systems gun mounted

They do not utilise strobes but some use NVG “Night Vision Goggle Systems” and depending on the atmospherics, drones fitted with infrared technology will monitor the affected area and your progress through the copse.

So rest assured if you can personally handle your fear you are in very safe hands from our elite team S.W.A.T. soldiers.


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